Here you can see a selection of Verified's press releases and other media related to language analysis and migration.
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Verified News

Language analysis still under strain
Jim Hoskin, Dr. Tina Cambier-Langeveld and Prof. Paul Foulkes have endeavoured to provide an objective outline of language analysis in a recently published article, entitled Improving objectivity, balance and forensic fitness in LAAP: a response to Matras, as a result of Prof. Yaron Matras’s Duly verified? Language analysis in UK asylum applications of Syrian refugees. More...

Study visit in Austria on Immigration and Asylum
The Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) invited the Turkish Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) for a study visit in relation to the Europe Aid project won by Hulla & Co Human Dynamics KG. More...

VERIFIED to renew contract with Norwegian authorities
With vast numbers of asylum applicants lacking documentation to support their claim, language analysis is a key instrument in the asylum process. More...

Asylum data demands stricter security
Following the first steps in the development of the contract between MIGRI and VERIFIED for language analysis, the security audit inspection was conducted in compliance with KATAKRI 2015, a tool containing a set of minimal requirements set forth by the Finnish national legislation and regulations. More...

Security rules!
IBM Security summit 2019 convened in Stockholm, on May 14, under the motto “In the face of cyber uncertainty, the world doesn’t need more tools. It needs new rules.” More...

Turkey decides winner in call for training in language analysis
The results are in for Turkey’s call for Technical Assistance for Capacity Building for Effective Nationality Determination and Hulla & Co Human Dynamics is going to take care of the capacity building for the project. More...

Turkey latest country to adopt language tests in asylum procedure
Following a deal made with the European Union to help increase border security and slow down the flow of migrants and refugees travelling through the country, Turkey has published a call for Technical Assistance. More...

MIGRIs new provider for Linguistic Origin Identification
On 27th of September 2018, Verified received notification that its tender to carry out language analysis for the Finnish Immigration Service (Maahanmuuttovirasto) has been approved. More...

AI project awarded research grant
Drawing both on novel machine learning techniques and good old expert system design, Verified is, with the kind funding of Tillväxtverket, bringing science from the lab to application. More...

EASO convene meeting of asylum experts in Brussels
Asylum is a multi-faceted phenomenon. To facilitate pooling of knowledge, EASO has set up a Consultative Forum. More...

Interspeech 2017
Interspeech, the de facto summit for speech tech, just concluded its 18th annual conference in Stockholm. More...

Professor Minematsu
In September 2017, Verified is happy to have hosted a seminar by professor Minematsu of the Graduate School of Engineering. More...

Turkish government delegation visits Verified
On 25 January 2017 Verified’s headquarters in Stockholm hosted a visit by a delegation from the government of the republic of Turkey. More...